Legal Notice
I. Identification
The present site www.contisud.com is edited by CONTI SUD PRODUCTIONS, public limited liability company governed by French law with a capital of 10.000€ whose registered office is located 25 gr Jean Moulin 34000 Montpellier and registered in the Montpellier Companies Register under number 500 101 944. The President and publishing Director of CONTI SUD PRODUCTIONS is Mr Cédric FAUGERAS.
II. Design & Conception
The site development is provided by
Communication agency
1025 Rue Henri Becquerel, 10 Parc club du Millénaire
+33 (0)4 67 20 40 05
III. Hosting
The site is hosted by the company Infomaniak, whose head office is situated Rue Eugène-Marziano 25, 1227 Genève, Suisse.
IV. Intellectual property
4.1 Ownership
CONTI SUD PRODUCTIONS is the registrant of the Domain Name of the CONTISUD website.
The Site as a whole, as well as all the elements contained in this website (particularly texts, tree structure, software, animations, photographs, videos, illustrations, diagrams, graphics, logos, etc.) which constitute intellectual works protected under intellectual property right laws, articles L.111-1 and subsequent articles of the Intellectual Property Code. The Site as well as all the elements contained in this website are the exclusive property of CONTI SUD PRODUCTIONS, which alone is entitled to use the intellectual property rights and personality rights related thereto, particularly brands, models, intellectual work, software, database, interpretations, images of people as inherent to ownership rights or as a result of a licence or an express authorization.
4.2 Sanctions
Use of all or part of the Site, notably via downloading, reproduction, transmission, presentation or broadcasting, for purposes other than for personal and private use in pursuit of a non-commercial aim by the Net surfer is strictly prohibited. Any person infringing the rights of CONTI SUD PRODUCTIONS shall be liable to the sanctions set out in the Intellectual Property Code with respect particularly to copyright infringement (article L. 335-1 and following), trademark law (article L. 716-1 and following) and the French Civil Code, with respect to civil liability (article 9, articles 1382 and following).
4.3 Hypertext links
It is forbidden to create any hypertext links to any one of the web pages or components of the Site, without preliminary and written consent from CONTI SUD PRODUCTIONS, which may be revoked at any time. Not all sites having a hypertext link directed towards the Site or any of its constitutive elements are under the control of CONTI SUD PRODUCTIONS which accordingly waives any liability (in particular in editorial matters) on access and content to these sites.
V. Modifications of the mentions
CONTI SUD PRODUCTIONS informs the Net surfers consulting the site that the present mentions can be modified constantly. As soon as these modifications are displayed on line, each visitor who access to the Site is assumed to accept these modifications without reserves.
VI. Litigation
These notices have been drawn up in conformity with French law and particularly with the provisions of the French Act n°2004-575 of 21 June 2004 relating to the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the French act n°78-17 of 6 January 1978 relating to Information Technology, Files and Civil Liberties. French courts shall exercise jurisdiction over any and all disputes arising from the use of the Site subject to contrary provisions arising from Regulation n°44/2001 of 20 December 2000 on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters (Brussels I). As regards any query related to the use of the Site and/or these indications, or as regards any request intended for CONTI SUD PRODUCTIONS, the Internet user may send an e-mail to the following address: « infoprod@contisud.com ».
VII. Domaines de compétences
Photo production services South of France, Film production company South of France, Photo and video production company Montpellier, Film production company Monaco, Scouting agency South of France, Photo production in Nice, Production service Marseille, Ibiza film production services, Provence film location rental, Côte d’Azur scouting agency, Production services Montpellier, Photo production in Montpellier, Production service Nice, Audiovisual production South of France, Photo scouting Nice, Film production services South of France, Audiovisual production Montpellier, Photo production Ibiza, Audiovisual production Marseille, Location scouting photo Marseille, Audiovisual production Nice